2018-12-04 2978









可以收费给业务员卖烟抽,不是达飝想要。      ——达飝)

1.     A general overview of which 6 sigma belts training programs there are

(6σ培训总进程概况) 蓝色字体为达飝翻译标注

2.    The duration of full training programs


3.     What the knowledge requirements are per category?

Now we will do yellow belt, the lowest. But some people might be interested in the possibility to continue and would like to know more before discussing a plan.






1 (下面在解释什么是白带,黄带,绿带和黑带和黑带统领)


6σ is a set of techniques and tools for process continuous improvement that aims to improve the quality of process outputs by identifying and removing the causes of defects (errors) and minimizing variability in manufacturing and business processes.

6σ creates an infrastructure of the staff within the company, as known u see, the “White Belts”, "Yellow Belts", "Green Belts", "Black Belts" and the “Champions", etc.

One key we have to be aware of the 6σ is the absolute "professionalizing" hierarchy (together with career path) that kicks (off) across all business functions and levels.

Six Sigma identifies several key roles for its successful implementation.

The "White belts" are those locally trained in the concepts but do not participate or being a member in the project team. Due to the TPM and lean are activities pushed to all of staffs, the “White belts” training is regarded as the essential phase in the 6σ training and has been proven to be the key step which defines nothing but the efficiency and effectiveness to the 6σ implementation in the coming days.

The “Yellow Belts” or "Orange belts" is for employees that have basic training in Six Sigma tools and generally participate in actual projects to pursue a defined business targets.  

The “Green Belts” are the employees who take up Six Sigma implementation along with their other job responsibilities, operating under the guidance of Black Belts, and in fully responsible for the quantified value targets, for example: reduce process cycle time, reduce pollution, reduce costs, increase customer satisfaction, and increase profits.

The “Black Belts” operate to apply Six Sigma methodology to specific projects. They devote 100% of their valued time to Six Sigma. They primarily focus on Six Sigma project execution and special leadership with special tasks. In recent years, the “Black Belts” perform less the solvers to the specific problems but the teachers and administrative supporters or leaders to the “Green belts”.  

The “Champions” or “Black Belts” focus on identifying projects/functions for Six Sigma and usually to be taken by CEO or VP for example in top 500s.

Therefore, the 6σ sigma belts training programs would follow the above “Phases in Belts ”according to the company’s situation.

2 回复问题二: 全部培训时间要依企业具体情况而定。下面例举的是某跨国500强发动机传动零部件旗舰组装分厂(150人年产值15亿人民币/2015年)的绿带培训内容,培训历时一年(伴随新厂筹建与投产),其中部分培训在北美和德国进行。

The duration of full training programs is different due to the company specific situation, the industry and the main products for example.

Generally saying, based on Deming's PDCA Cycle composed of five phases each, bear the DMAIC and DMADV(DFSS), a “Green belt” should hold at least but not limited as following:

      5 Whys

      Statistical and fitting tools

      Analysis of variance (ANOVA)

      General linear model

      ANOVA Gauge R&R

      Regression analysis


      Scatter diagram

      Chi-squared test

      Axiomatic design

      Business Process Mapping/Check sheet

      Cause & effects diagram (also known as fishbone or Ishikawa diagram)

      Control chart/Control plan (also known as a swimlane map)/Run charts

      Cost-benefit analysis

      CTQ tree

      Design of experiments/Stratification

      Histograms/Pareto analysis/Pareto chart

      Pick chart/Process capability/Rolled throughput yield

      Quality Function Deployment (QFD)

      Quantitative marketing research through use of Enterprise Feedback Management

      (EFM) systems

      Root cause analysis

      SIPOC analysis (Suppliers, Inputs, Process, Outputs, Customers)

      COPIS analysis (Customer centric version/perspective of SIPOC)

      Taguchi methods/Taguchi Loss Function

      Value stream mapping


3 回答问题三:一般多数绿带职业规划主方向是晋升到职业经理人,例如工厂长或CEO,同时也可以考试拿到黑带证书。但黑带大多要付出专门的脱产学习时间,理论基础比较扎实,用于指导绿带。在世界500强,黑带和CEO不是去解决具体问题。绿带在黑带和CEO的指导与支持下,去解决具体问题,因此业绩卓著,职位晋升很快。培训之前,决策人必须洞悉6σ的盲区误区与雷区。

6σ has been described as "a basic version of continous improvement", stating at that "there is nothing new there. It includes what we used to call facilitators. They've adopted more flamboyant terms, like belts with different colors.” I deem to create specialists who can be very helpful. However, that's anything but a new idea.

6σ is "narrowly designed to fix an existing process" and does not help in "coming up changing era with new products or disruptive technologies." Advocates of Six Sigma have argued that many of these claims are in error or ill-informed.

6σ is over-reliance on statistical tools. It is only the bones while the engineering knowledge and experience are the bleed and muscle. Without the latter, 6σ would be nothing less than a set of skeleton.  


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2018-12-05 10:25




2018-12-05 10:13


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